The Publish page for a TypeList allows you to determine which of your blogs the TypeList will appear on. This capability is available to all Pro plans. To access it, go to Library > TypeLists and click the Publish link for the TypeList you wish to add to a blog. Or click on the TypeList name then go to the Publish tab.
The Publish page lists all of your blogs. If you are a Pro subscriber with Advanced Template blogs, these will be listed separately below the Publish list. Place a check next to each blog that you wish to add the TypeList to. Or you can use the check box next to the Save Changes button to add your TypeList to all your blogs at once. Click Save Changes to publish the TypeList to the selected blogs.
Your About Page also appears in the Publish list and you can add your TypeList to it in the same way as adding it to your blogs.
After adding your TypeList to the desired blogs you can click the Organize Content link listed under each blog name to go to Design > Content for that blog. Here, you can move the TypeList to the desired location in the blog's sidebar.
The View link for each blog opens the blog in a new browser window or tab so that you can see how the TypeList looks live on your blog.
Advanced Templates
Unlimited, Premium, and Business Class bloggers will see any blogs using an Advanced Template Set for their design under the heading Advanced Template Blogs. To add a TypeList to an Advanced Template blog, you will need to add a line of code to your sidebar template.
<$MTListInclude name="TypeList Title"$>
Click Templates next to the blog where you wish to add the TypeList. Enter the above code to the template where you want the TypeList to display. Replace TypeList Title with the title of the TypeList exactly as it appears at Library > TypeLists. Capitalization and punctuation of the title is important.
See the article on TypeList Tags for more information on adding a TypeList to your templates.