Typepad's Blog It bookmarklet for the Firefox web browser allows you to post to Typepad without going through the Typepad main interface. After installing the bookmarklet, you can post from anywhere on the web.
Adding the bookmarklet to your browser
You can grab the bookmarklet by going to Blogs > Overview and grabbing the button under Other Ways to Post.
Firefox: To add the bookmarklet, drag the Blog It button to your browser's Bookmarks menu or toolbar. The bookmarklet is now ready to use for posting to Typepad.
Blogging with the Bookmarklet
Once you've added the bookmarklet, you can easily create a post from any web page by clicking on the button. The bookmarklet will automatically select text and images that you can use in a post. Alternatively, you can highlight a block of text on the web page and then click on the bookmarklet. That block of text will be transferred to the bookmarklet window. Other fields that can be edited in the bookmarklet:
- Blog: For members with more than one blog, you will have a drop-down menu to select from.
- Title: This will default to the web page title.
- Clipping: Content from the page that you'd like to highlight. You can edit any text by clicking inside the field.
- Your Notes: Add your own words below the clipping.
- Share With: These will respect your blog settings.
If you'd like to add categories or keywords, you can continue editing the post in Typepad. Otherwise, exiting the bookmarklet will save your post as a draft.
Updated 18 January 2017
Not quite what you are looking for? Check out these other articles:
- If you are looking for options to post via a mobile device, check out the article on posting from a mobile device.
- For instructions on how to post via email or text message, see the posting via email article.
- To create a custom, responsive design, you can use the Design Lab and choose for dozens of fonts for posts and pages.