To edit your photo album settings, go to Library > Photo Albums > Settings for the album you wish to edit. This capability is available to all Pro plans.
In the Basics section, you can change the name of the album, add a description/introduction for the album cover page, select whether to use a cover photo, and configure the publicity for the album.
If you choose to display a cover photo for the album, the cover page will not show thumbnails of the photos in the album and will instead display the cover photo and the introduction (if you added one). The cover page will link to the first photo in the album so that visitors can navigate from there.
If your photo album is public, it will be picked up by search engines like Google. It will also automatically be displayed on your blog when you choose the Your Photo Albums option in Blogs > Content.
In the Advanced area, you can configure the settings for your cover page and photo pages, add password protection, and set up mobile posting.
Cover Page
In the Cover Page section, you can configure the thumbnail images and display settings for your album cover page.
The thumbnail images are displayed in a grid. Here you can set the number of images across (the columns) and as many rows will be created as are needed to display thumbnails for all of your photos. If you have a lot of photos, you may want to set a relatively large number of columns.
You can also set the size for the thumbnail images. The options are Small (50 pixels in width), Medium (75 pixels), and Large (115 pixels). A smaller thumbnail size may be the better choice if you have a lot of photos in the album, as it allows more to fit on each row. Larger thumbnails draw more attention to each individual photo.
You can set the date format that appears if your design allows the date of each photo to be displayed on the cover page.
You can choose what order the thumbnail images will appear. The options are Date Taken (ascending), which is oldest first; Date Taken (descending), which is newest first; and Title (ascending), which displays the photos in alphabetical order by title.
Note: If you have set a cover image in the Basic section, this will be used for the cover page instead of the settings here.
Photo Pages
For each of the photo pages, you can configure the size the photo will be displayed and the date format if your design shows the date of each photo on the photo page.
The photo size options are Small (350 pixels wide), Medium (500 pixels), and Large (640 pixels). The best size for your album depends on the design you have set for the photo page, and how much other text and content you have on the page.
Password Protection
To password protect your photo album so that only people you choose to give access can see it, place a check in the Enable Password Protection box. When the box is checked, you will see fields to enter a username and password for the album. You will enter these to log in each time you view your album, and you can give them out to other people you wish to show the album to.
You can send photos by email directly to your photo album. This can work especially well if you have a mobile phone that can send photo messages (MMS) or email with image attachments. When you are out and about and you see something interesting, take a photo with your phone and send it to Typepad. It will show up automatically in your album.
In the Mobile area you will see your private email address for posting by email. We caution against sharing this email address publicly, as anyone can add photos to your album by sending them to this address.
You can choose whether or not to receive a confirmation reply when your photo has been posted to your album.