Network Solutions is one domain registrar which supports editing the CNAME Record and can be used to map a domain to Typepad blogs. Updated 2 May 2014.
Setting up Domain Mapping at Network Solutions
Edit the Domain at Network Solutions
- Sign in to Network Solutions.
- Go to the Domain Manager.
- Click the Manage button next to the domain.
- Click the link to Edit Advanced DNS Records.
The next steps at Network Solutions will vary depending on if you want to map your entire domain to your Typepad blog or if you want to map a subdomain. A subdomain is in a format similar to You would most likely map a subdomain if you have a website already at, and you can follow the steps below to Map Subdomain. If you want to map all occurrences of your domain - e.g. and - you'll want to follow the steps below to Map Domain.
Map Domain
- Click the Edit A Records button.
- The existing IP Address (A Records) need to be deleted before any other changes can be made to the domain settings. After deleting the A Records, you may need to wait several minutes to an hour for the change to resolve at Network Solutions.
- For the @ (None) Host enter the IP Address:
- For the * (All Others) Host enter the IP Address:
- Click Continue.
- Confirm the changes.
- Click the Edit CNAME Records button.
- In the Alias field, enter: www
- Select Other Host
- In the Other Host field, enter your Typepad account domain name followed by a period. You can find the domain name by going to the Account section in Typepad and locating the Domain. i.e.
- Click Continue.
- Confirm the changes.
- Proceed with the instructions to Add Domain to Typepad Account.
Please note the www field should remain blank. The TTL can be left at the default.
Map Subdomain
- Click the Edit CNAME Records button.
- In the Alias field, enter the subdomain. For example, to use as your blog's address, you would enter: blog
- Select Other Host
- In the Other Host field, enter your Typepad account domain name followed by a period. You can find the domain name by going to the Account section in Typepad and locating the Domain. i.e.
- Click Continue.
- Confirm the changes.
- Proceed with the instructions to Add Domain to Typepad Account.
Please note you do not indicate which blog the domain is to be mapped at Network Solutions if you are choosing to map the domain or subdomain to a single blog. The CNAME Record will point to the domain name for your entire Typepad account, and the blog's folder name will not be included in the CNAME. You select which blog the domain or subdomain is to be mapped at Typepad only, not at your domain registrar.
Add Domain to Typepad Account
- In Typepad, go to Account > Domain Mapping
- Click the Begin Here: Map a Domain Name button.
- Enter the domain or subdomain in the Enter your custom domain name field.
- Choose the My entire site option if you want all blogs, albums, About Me Page, and uploaded images and other files to use the same domain name.
- If you only want to use the domain for one blog or album in your account, choose the My blog or My photo album option and select the blog or album from the corresponding drop-down menu. We do not recommend changing the Domain Mapping once it is in place as links can be broken. If you think you may want to add a blog to your account which is separate from other blogs in your account, the individual blog option should be selected.
- Click the Add Domain Mapping button.
- Verify the CNAME Record is in place. It can take some time for the changes to the domain to resolve at Network Solutions. The CNAME Record will be in place if you visit your domain and see a blank or error page with the Typepad favicon instead of a Network Solutions landing page.
- With the CNAME Record in place, scroll down to the list of Domains in Typepad at Account > Domain Mapping and click Activate.
You have the option to map the domain to the Entire Site or an individual blog or photo album.
If your blog does not display correctly after activating the domain, click to Deactivate the domain to restore it and wait for the changes to the domain resolve before activating again. Open a help ticket at Help > New Ticket if you need assistance with setting up Domain Mapping. Learn more.
Not quite what you are looking for? Check out these other articles:
- If you are looking to set up Domain Mapping for a different registrar, more information is available in the setting up domain mapping article.
- For details on mapping with GoDaddy, check out the setting up mapping at GoDaddy article.
- If you are looking to edit the blog design, see the creating a new design article.