By default, a photo album's navigation trail links back to the account's default blog. While there is not a way to change the link at this time, you can add other links using the photo album's description and caption fields. This capability is available to all Pro plans.
Here is an example of the HTML used to link to another site:
Click <a href="">here</a> to go back to our blog.
Please note that incomplete or incorrect tags can cause your photo album or photo album pages to display incorrectly, so it's important to make sure the code you are using is correct.
To add a link to the photo album's introduction page, go to Photo Albums > Settings and add your code in the Description/Introduction field. This method works as long as the "Photo and Introduction" layout is in use for the photo album's cover page and the "Photo Album Description" option is enabled in Content. The layout can be changed from Photo Albums > Design > Layout.
If you would like to add a link on your photo album pages, try adding your code to the Photo Caption field. In order to ensure that this will be displayed, go to Photo Albums > Design > Content and select the Photo Caption option.