With the Unlimited and higher plans, you can add content to the Head section of your blog. The Head section is for adding scripts or meta information required for third-party features and add-ons to perform well. For example, if you want to add a jQuery carousel to your blog, you can add the jQuery library script to the Head module so that it is placed within the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags. All content added to the Head section will be included on every page of the blog.
To add content to the Head section, go to Design > Head Module, enter the HTML code in the text field, and click Save Changes to update your blog.
Content added to the Head module will not display on your blog but will be available in the page source to be utilized by search engines, widgets, and third-party services.
The Head section allows you to add scripts that may not otherwise work within the body of your blog. Being able to add them directly to the Head affords you more control over your blog's design and content.
Items you do NOT need to add to the Head section:
- Title of your blog or post. You can set the Title for your blog at Settings > Basics.
- Meta blog description or keywords. The meta description and keywords can be added at Settings > SEO.
- CSS styles and/or stylesheet. You can make changes to the stylesheet by adding Custom CSS.
- Facebook OG properties. Facebook OG properties are added by default to all blogs.
- Author name. The Display Name set at Account > Summary will be used as the Author for each post and page.
Things you can add to the Head section:
- Custom meta tags.
- Third-party scripts or libraries.
- Advertising scripts.
- Import custom stylesheet.
If you are member of Blogher, you can join their publishing network and easily place ads on your blog by adding the provided code to the Head module.
Also, you can import Google Web Fonts to apply a variety of fonts to your design.
Examples of content which can be added to the Head module:
Import Stylesheet
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://example.typepad.com/redstylesheet.css">
Import Google Web Font
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Days+One' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
Meta Redirect
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://www.typepad.com/">