What is the difference between Mapping, Masking, and Forwarding?
Domain Mapping uses the CNAME (or canonical name) to map the domain to your blog. All of the page links in your blog will use the mapped domain, not the typepad.com subdomain.
Domain Forwarding forwards your registered domain to your Typepad blog. The URL that appears in your blog links will be the Typepad domain, like example.typepad.com.
Domain Masking masks the registered domain to your blog. We do not recommend using masking since it prohibits other websites from linking to your posts. Only the registered domain, i.e. http://www.example.com/, will appear in the browser address bar for each blog page. Also known as a frame redirect.
Both Domain Forwarding and Masking can be used with Typepad. However, you would not set up anything within your Typepad account and your posts and archives would use only your Typepad URL.
What type of domain can be mapped to a Typepad account?
You can map a domain or subdomain to your Typepad account. For example:
- Domain: www.example.com
- Subdomain: blog.example.com
An extension of domain, like www.example.com/blog/ can not be mapped.
What registrars support Domain Mapping with Typepad?
You can register a domain directly from Typepad or use a third-party service which supports Advanced DNS and editing of the CNAME Record.
How do I map to the domain without the www?
You can set up a forward from the non-www domain to the full domain. If you register a domain through Typepad, the non-www forward will be set up automatically.
Why isn't my Domain Mapping working?
If your design does not appear when you visit your blog, it is possible that you activated the domain before the CNAME resolved. At Account > Domain Mapping, click the Deactivate link next to the domain. This will remove the domain mapping from the blog and restore the stylesheet.
The article on no design appearing after domain setup has more information on why the error occurs. It can take a couple of days for the domain to resolve. When you can verify the CNAME Record, you can set the domain to Active again and Republish your blog.
What nameservers and/or IP address do I use to set up domain mapping?
Typepad does not use nameservers or IP addresses to set up domain mapping, only the CNAME record is modified. Nameservers are used to route a domain to a particular host. In this case, your domain is only being redirected to Typepad. We also do not advise using IP addresses when setting up domain mapping. The IP address can change at any time and without warning causing a disruption in access to your blog.
Can each blog use a different domain name?
Yes. When you add a domain to your account at Account > Domain Mapping, you will be asked if you want to map the domain to your entire account or a single blog. Choose the option to map a domain to one blog if you want to use a different domain for each blog.
If you map the domain to the entire account, each blog will use the mapped domain with a unique folder name. For example:
http://www.example.com/my_blog/ http://www.example.com/second_blog/ http://www.example.com/random/
We do not recommend mapping multiple domains to one specific blog. When you set up domain mapping, Typepad uses the domain name for the URL when creating links on your blog, such as the Permalinks. If you map more than one domain name to the same blog, there will be a conflict about which domain name to use for the URLs. Instead, we recommend mapping one of the domain names and then forwarding the others to that domain name through your registrar.
Are the blogs still accessible from the .typepad.com domain?
Yes. The Typepad URL will still lead to your blog. All the links to your blog pages and archives will use the mapped domain.
How do I map the domain to my About Page?
If you map a domain to your entire account, the About Page will use the mapped domain.
If you want to use a different About Page for each blog, see the article on Adding Additional About Pages.
How do search engines treat domain mapped blogs?
Search engines will index the webpages of your blog using the mapped domain.
Why does the Facebook Like count change when adding or removing Domain Mapping?
When changing the address for your blog, Facebook will not recognize the change of address and update the Like count accordingly. Instead, you will see the number of Likes reset with the change of address.