If you do not have any TypeLists yet, you can learn how to create them here. Please note that this feature is available to all Pro plans.
Individual TypeList
If you would like to set one specific TypeList for display, go to Library > TypeLists and click Publish below the TypeList you want to add to your blog. Then, select the blog or About Me Page you wish to display the TypeList on and click on Save Changes.
Advanced Templates
p>Unlimited, Premium, and Business Class bloggers will see any blogs using an Advanced Template Set for their design under the heading Advanced Template Blogs. To add a TypeList to an Advanced Template blog, you will need to add a line of code to your sidebar template.
<$MTListInclude name="TypeList Title"$>
Click Templates next to the blog where you wish to add the TypeList. Enter the above code to the template where you want the TypeList to display. Replace TypeList Title with the title of the TypeList exactly as it appears at Library > TypeLists. Capitalization and punctuation of the title is important.
See the article on TypeList Tags for more information on adding a TypeList to your templates.
Displaying Multiple TypeLists
Choose the blog you'd like to work with from the Blogs menu at the top of any page. From there, click the Design tab and then to the Organize content page.
On the Content page, under the Your TypeLists heading, select the TypeList you would like to display on the blog and click Add this module. Repeat this step for each TypeList you'd like to add.
Use the drag and drop interface to set the preferred order for your TypeLists in the sidebar. Save your changes and your TypeLists will now appear on your blog and any new items that you add will automatically appear there as well.