Advanced Template Set designs are available with the Unlimited, Premium, and Business Class plans. If you are not using an Advanced Template Set for your blog's design, you can add the modules at Design > Content.
When you create a new Advanced Template Set, the set includes several default template modules:
- about-page
- calendar
- category-cloud
- category-list
- elsewhere-grid
- elsewhere-list
- monthly-archives
- navigation-bar
- powered-by-typepad
- recent-comments
- subscribe-to-feed
- user-photo
To include a template module, use the MTInclude tag with the template module name. For example:
<$MTInclude module="template-module-name"$>
The about-page module displays a link to the About page for your account. To include the module in a template, use the tag:
<$MTInclude module="about-page"$>
The calendar module displays a calendar for the current month with the dates linking to the most recent post published on the selected day. To include the module in a template, use the tag:
<$MTInclude module="calendar"$>
The category-cloud module displays links to each category index page for your blog in cloud format. The category names will display larger or smaller in the cloud depending on the number of posts in the category. To include the module in a template, use the tag:
<$MTInclude module="category-cloud"$>
The category-list module displays a vertical list of links to the category indexes in alphabetical order. To include the module in a template, use the tag:
<$MTInclude module="category-list"$>
The elsewhere-grid module displays an icon to your Other Accounts in a grid format. To include the module in a template, use the tag:
<$MTInclude module="elsewhere-grid"$>
The elsewhere-list module displays an icon and link to your Other Accounts in a list. To include the module in a template, use the tag:
<$MTInclude module="elsewhere-list"$>
The monthly-archives module displays a link to the Archive Index and links to the last 10 months of archives. You can increase the lastn
attribute to display links to more archives. To include the module in a template, use the tag:
<$MTInclude module="monthly-archives"$>
The navigation-bar module displays the Navigational Bar with links to Home, About, and Archives pages along with a Subscribe link to the blog's feed. To include the module in a template, use the tag:
<$MTInclude module="navigation-bar"$>
The powered-by-typepad module displays "Blog powered by Typepad" with links to
and "Member since" with the month and year your account was created. To include the module in a template, use the tag:
<$MTInclude module="powered-by-typepad"$>
The recent-comments module displays links to the 10 most recent comments published to posts on your blog. You can increase the lastn
attribute to display more than 10 comments. To include the module in a template, use the tag:
<$MTInclude module="recent-comments"$>
The subscribe-to-feed module displays a link to the Atom feed for your blog. To include the module in a template, use the tag:
<$MTInclude module="subscribe-to-feed"$>
The user-photo module displays the photo uploaded to your Typepad Profile which can be edited here. Also see the article on editing your Typepad Profile. To include the module in a template, use the tag:
<$MTInclude module="user-photo"$>