The date and time of a post can be changed at anytime. When you compose a post, you can set the date and time to the future or backdate the post. The order of posts is determined by the date and time, and you can change the date and time to adjust the order of posts.
Schedule Post To Publish In The Future
To set a post to be published in the future, select the Publish On option from the Status drop-down menu when composing a post.
A calendar will open where you can set the date and time of the post and click OK. To save the post, click the Schedule button. The post will be set to publish at the designated date and time in the future.
The calender will recognize the time zone set for your computer, not your Typepad account. If the time zone set for your computer does not match the time zone in your Typepad account at Account > Summary, you may end up with a time discrepancy.
Similar to scheduling a post to publish in the future, you can use the same method to backdate a post.
From the Compose page, select Publish On from the Status drop-down menu. The calendar pop-up window will appear where you can set the date and time to a past date and click OK.
When you click Schedule to save the post, a post with a date and time in the past will be published immediately with the designated date and time.
Change Date & Time Of Existing Post
After you publish a post, you can go back and change the date and time.
To edit a post, go to the Posts list and click on the title of the post. Choose Publish On from the Status drop-down menu to open the calendar. Enter the new date and time in the calender and click OK. Finally, click Publish to update the post date and time.
Please note changing the date of an existing post to a different month or year will change the post's URL. For example, a post published on June 12, 2012, will have a Permalink similar to
. If you change the post date to July 3, 2012, the new URL will be
and break any links to the post in search listings or outside websites.